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Writer's pictureRobert Weighill

A Podiatrist's 3 Top Tips

In June 2020 I was invited by Ian Storey of Storey Estates to discuss the genesis of Cloud Podiatry and my 3 Top Tips for patients.

1st Top Tip - See a Podiatrist

Podiatrists treat feet, Dentists treat teeth. If you have a problem with your teeth you book a dental appointment. Sadly, it is common for people with foot problems to see their GP or go to A&E before seeing a Podiatrist. It's sad because often this delays a patient from getting appropriate treatment sooner, which lengthens the time they have to put up with their issue.

This is very common with people who are suffering from ingrowing toenails. Podiatrists are trained to deal with foot issues and crucially we have the equipment and experience to do it well. Doctors are highly trained but often don't have the equipment or time to resolve foot issues. In the cases where a patient requires a GP to prescribe certain medications or to order blood tests, we are trained to refer on, but importantly we can often carry out conservative treatments to reduce pain and increase comfort while a patient is waiting to see a GP. So remember, if you have a problem with your foot, see a Podiatrist first.

2nd Top Tip - Get Treatment Early

Understandably, it's common for people to allow an issue to develop as they don't want to make a fuss and in the hope that it will go away on its own. Sometimes this is true but in the case of people with tissue damage who are immune suppressed or have diabetes, early intervention is best. This advice is also appropriate for people of all ages and levels of health who are suffering from ingrowing toenails.

The earlier you get a foot problem treated often means the earlier it will be resolved and the sooner you will be out of pain and back on your feet and able to pursue your normal activities. Immune suppressed patients with a cut or ulcers on their feet are at an increased risk of developing an infection which can take many weeks to resolve, causing inconvenience, not to mention the potential risk to their limb or life from a spreading infection. The sooner you get treatment, the lower the risk and the safer you are.

3rd Top Tip - Keep Bacteria Out Of Your Feet

This Top Tip may seem obvious, however it is one of the most useful pieces of general advice I can offer. Small infections can develop into larger more threatening infections which apart from the obvious risk to your lower limb cause your pain to increase.

You have good and bad bacteria inside and on the surface of your body. Your immune system is constantly keeping the bad bacteria in your body in check. If you have a break in your skin then you can assist your body by not adding to its work load. Simply cleanse the area with a disinfectant and place a dressing / plaster over the damaged skin. A plaster is designed to prevent more harmful bacteria from entering the wound. Also, once you have put a plaster on, keep it dry to prevent bacteria from swimming down into your injury. It is your body that heals you, but you can help by reducing the bacterial load it has to fight. Don't be tempted to "let the air get to it", because you are also letting the bacteria get to it as well. So stay safe and keep bacteria out of your feet.


I hope these 3 Top Tips of mine will be useful and if you would like a home visit podiatry appointment in the Northwich area then please click on the link below to book an appointment and stay safe.

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