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Podiatrist in PPE

Stay home - Stay safe

I come to you

At Cloud Podiatry I offer a range of treatments which can be delivered in the comfort of your own home.

Appointments are priced on a combination factors, including time needed for the procedure and the type of procedure done. 

Routine Podiatry

New Patient Appointment - - - - - - 


Simple Nails appointment - - - - - - - 

Routine appointment - - - - - - - 

40 minute appointment - - - - - - - 

60 minute appointment - - - - - - - 



£60.00      -       


£45.00      -​       20 minutes

£50.00      -       30 minutes​

£55.00      -       40 minutes​

£60.00      -       60 minutes​

At Cloud Podiatry I offer a range of treatments which can be delivered in the comfort of your own home. Appointments are priced on a combination of time needed for the procedure and the type of procedure done. 

toenail reconstruction
Toenail Reconstruction

Single nail - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


Multiple nails - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 










Nail Reconstruction



Thickened nails can cause pain, discomfort and embarrassment. This procedure uses the remaining nail to build a new natural looking nail that only you will know has been reconstructed.


This treatment can be used on unsightly fungal nails to improve the appearance while the infection is being treated.


The nail can last about 3 months depending on the patient. An ideal option for holidays and events where you bear your toes in public.


Patients range from both men and women who have thickened nails caused by repeated trauma in their sports trainers to people who have a thickened, discoloured fungal nail or nails. Many patients have a thickened nail from a single traumatic even that caused the nail to thicken in the past. Perhaps a heavy object landed on the nail causing it to thicken. Whatever the cause, nail reconstruction is an ideal way to put your mind a ease and improve the appearance of your nail or nails.

toenail-surgery for ingrowing nail
Nail Surgery

Single nail - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Two nails - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -









Toenail Surgery


Ingrowing toe nails most commonly affect the big toenails and can occur on both toes at the same time. An ingrowing nail is where the nail cuts into the skin causing a wound that is unable to heal due to the continued presence of the nail. This can result in the wound becoming infected and painful to walk on. 


I often hear from patients about long waiting times on the NHS. This service is a fast and reliable way to resolve the pain and is regarded as a permanent solution.


With the use of local anaesthetic I am able to remove the whole nail or part of the nail depending on the presenting toe.  I am happy to say that due to the use of local anaesthetic, the procedure is far less painful than many imagine it to be.


Nail surgery is the only treatment which is unable to be done in the home, therefore all nail surgery is done is a specialist podiatry clinic.

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